Popular Shoe Company Is Releasing Their First Shoe Made From Spider Silk
Most people are content with any type of running shoes, as long as they are comfortable and last. I have certainly never heard about a consumer push to have silk-based shoes made. However, that is exactly what the popular company Adidas is doing with their newest edition of tennis shoes.
Technically speaking, the new shoes are made from bio steel fiber, which is a natural and biodegradable fiber. This material is fifteen percent lighter in weight than other synthetic fibers, and it is also the strongest natural material available to humankind. The company is priding itself on their successful attempts towards innovation while not harming the environment in the process. Officials with Adidas are hoping that since these shoes are one hundred percent biodegradable, then our environmentally-conscious millennials of today will not hesitate to buy the new silk running shoes.
The vice-president of the Adidas corporation has claimed that the new silk shoes are the most sustainable shoes ever constructed. The VP claimed that the new shoes will serve as the first example of “bionic innovation.” However, the big-wigs over at Adidas haven’t exactly earned the right to call themselves innovators when their idea has already been done by other companies, most notable North Face. What makes the parent company of North Face so impressive is that they can manipulate gene expression in order to artificially have spiders produce more silk at faster rates.
North Face has made an exhibit out of their newly created silk accessories. The moon parka by North Face was the very first successful use of synthetic spider materials. So, sorry Adidas, but North Face beat you, but if anybody is losing in this situation, it is the poor spiders that are being farmed for their silk.
Have you ever worn a piece of clothing made from 100 percent spider silk?