Bill Gates Once Released A Swarm Of Mosquitoes On Wealthy Businessmen

November 29, 2017 | Posted In: Mosquito

Bill Gates Once Released A Swarm Of Mosquitoes On Wealthy Businessmen

You have probably heard of TED Talks before. These “talks” consist of a well educated presenter educating an audience on a matter that falls within the presenter’s area of expertise. For example, Stephen Hawking could conduct a great TED Talk on black holes. Ted Talks can also be about raising awareness for a particular cause or crisis. For example, the well known Microsoft founder Bill Gates once explained the importance of fighting disease in impoverished regions of the world where death rates are high. His audience included wealthy individuals, most of whom were businessmen. Since Gates is the richest man in the world, he has the power to advance the science concerned with disease treatments and prevention, as well as creating safer living conditions in places where diseases are common in the population. Gates once attempted to show how the rich could help decrease malaria rates in impoverished regions. Unfortunately, Gates’ audience was more interested in finding a cure for baldness as opposed to donating money to combat malaria. In response to the apathy among audience members, Gates unleashed a swarm of mosquitoes at the conference. Gates then admitted that the mosquitoes were free of disease. This stunt did not fail to get the audience’s attention.

Immediately after Gates released the mosquitoes on the surprised crowd Gates said into his microphone that “there is no reason only poor people should have this experience”. Gates was trying to make the point that just because an issue does not affect you, it does not mean that you shouldn’t care. Surprisingly, the audience then responded well to Gates’ point and humanitarian ideals. Later, in 2016 Gates was happy to announce that Malaria rates had declined by an unbelievable fifty seven percent in Sub-Saharan Africa since 2000. However, Gates has not given up his campaign to fight the spread of malaria, as five hundred thousand children still die from the disease every year.

Do you think that insect-borne diseases affect everybody on earth in some way? Or could insect-borne diseases eventually affect everyone on earth as some point?