Residents Warned Of A Stink bug Invasion
Residents Warned Of A Stink bug Invasion
If there is anything worse than experiencing an insect infestation in your home it would be a stink bug infestation in an entire town. For residents living in a certain region of Australia this invasion scenario may soon become a reality. Not long ago a cargo ship made a stop in western Sydney. This cargo ship had come from Italy, and now officials have confirmed that the cargo was carrying enormous amounts of Asian stink bugs. After the stink bugs were discovered in a warehouse, residents of the nearby town of Glendenning were warned about a possible invasion of these odorous insects.
Such invasion scares are not new, as Asian stink bugs are notorious for traveling within cargo ships. Due to the Asian stink bug’s preference for oversea travel, many agricultural regions around the world have been negatively impacted by this bug’s activities. the federal agriculture department in Australia is particularly worried about the possible damage that this new stink bug invasion could have on the country’s economy. The italian cargo containers were promptly fumigated, which will hopefully result in enough stink bug deaths to prevent agricultural damage. Despite the fumigations, federal authorities are asking residents in Sydney to keep on the lookout for these stink bugs by inspecting their lawns and gardens. The bugs are not hard to miss as they smell awful when disturbed and are also quite large in size.
Asian stink bugs are attracted to all sorts of different types of fruit, but they have a particular liking for apples, peaches, raspberries, corn, green beans, capsicums and tomatoes in particular apples, peaches, raspberries, corn, green beans, capsicums and tomatoes. Due to this bug’s tendency to travel on sea vessels, the federal government in Australia considers them a high biosecurity risk. If the Asian stink bug were to establish populations on the continent then removing them would be extremely expensive and very difficult, as these bugs are able to survive in multiple types of environments. According to officials in Australia, last year’s stink bug season saw thirty stink bugs from cargo ships that came from America, and nearly one hundred and thirty from Europe.
Have you ever approached or stepped on a stink bug only to learn of the foul odor that it emits?