Why Some People Willingly Bring Termites Into Their Homes
Why Some People Willingly Bring Termites Into Their Homes
Upon discovering a termite infestation, many people panic before contacting a pest control professional. In this situation, people mainly become concerned with the extent of the termite damage. Nobody wants to lose their home over a bunch of tiny insects. Many Americans may feel as though their homes are immune to termite damage, and this is especially the case with homeowners living in northern states where the cold climate is believed to kill-off termites. However, unless a person is living in Alaska, no state in the US is free from termite life. This fact is not hard to believe considering that termites in America cause around five billion dollars in damage to structures every year. Given these facts, it is surprising to learn that some people actually bring termites into their homes willingly. Similar to ants in ant farms, certain termite species can be raised indoors with the proper organic materials. However, these home-grown termites are not raised and kept as pets; instead termites are raised indoors in order to feed a person’s pets.
Many people keep certain reptiles and amphibians as pets, and some of these pets consume animals for sustenance. For example, everybody has had that friend who feeds mice to their pet snake. In addition to snakes, frogs are also commonly kept as pets, and they prefer to feed on termites as much as snakes prefer mice.
Similar to anteaters and armadillos, many frog species have evolved to feed mainly on termites for sustenance. The most popular genus of termite used as a feed for pet frogs is known as Zootermopsis, and they are dampwood termites that dwell within North America. They are supposedly easy to find in nature, which is where most frog owners locate them. The Zootermopsis genus of termite is ideal for raising indoors as they, unlike most termite species, can survive a wide range of temperatures. Once indoor termite colonies grow, winged termites will attempt to fly away, which is why a tightly contained culture is a necessity. Eventually the winged termites will tear off their wings and fall back into the larger colony. In order to establish a lasting colony of indoor termites, the nymphs and adults must be separated, and any sick or odd looking termites should be removed and killed immediately.
Have you ever known anyone who fed their pets insects of any kind?