A Termite Infestation Forced Students To Vacate Their Campus Apartment In Statesboro, And Locals Band Together To Save A Failing Home From Termites

May 9, 2019 | Posted In: Georgia Pest & Termite Control

Georgia happens to be one of a handful of US states where homes must be inspected for termites regularly due to the heavy termite population within the state. Given the state’s Gulf Coast location, the two most destructive termite species that exist within the US, the eastern subterranean termite and the invasive Formosan subterranean termite, wreak havoc on homes, buildings and even trees in urban and residential areas. One of the most widespread termite infestations to ever occur in the state was only recently found at a Statesboro apartment complex. 217 Georgia Southern University students have been forced to vacate their campus housing after inspectors found several units infested with massive amounts of termites. This infestation posed a serious safety hazard to the students occupying the apartment building, and surprisingly, the structure is only 10 years old. For a happier bit of termite-related news, locals in Morgan County are raising funds to save a beloved, and recently hospitalized, high school teacher’s home from collapsing due to a heavy termite infestation. The 100 year old home’s partially collapsed termite-damaged floor should be replaced before the respected resident is released from the hospital.

The parking lot at the University Villas apartment complex became flooded with moving vans last month after Georgia Southern University officials required students to vacate the building within 2 days due to serious structural weaknesses caused by a widespread termite infestation. This news came less than a month before the students were dismissed from classes for summer the recess. Unsurprisingly, administrative officials are having logistical problems relocating the students to new locations both on and off campus. The termite infestation became apparent after the building’s most recent inspection was conducted around a month ago. Termite damage has also caused a Morgan County High School art teacher’s kitchen floor to largely collapse due to a long-running infestation. Sadly, this collapse occurred shortly before the man was admitted to the hospital for heart surgery. However, residents are throwing a concert benefit to have the floor renovated and his medical bills paid before he leaves the hospital.

Have you ever witnessed a structural collapse due to a termite infestation?