Why Experts Struggle To Maintain An Accurate Number Of Termite Pest Species Within Georgia?

July 24, 2019 | Posted In: Georgia Pest & Termite Control

There exists much confusion concerning the termite species that have become established within Georgia. This is understandable for many reasons. First of all, subterranean termites dwell within a habitat that is located beneath the ground’s surface and within natural or structural wood sources. This makes termites extremely difficult to observe, and in the termite-friendly southeast, it is difficult to take notice of new termite species that establish a non-native habitat in the region. Secondly, Georgia borders the state of Florida where several non-native termites have become established within the past two decades, and there is no easy way of knowing when a Florida species may migrate across the border into Georgia.

Most online sources claim that only three termite pest species can be found in Georgia, which is false. These online sources further claim that only one drywood termite species can be found in the state, which is also false. In order to successfully eradicate termites from a home, the invading termite species must be accurately identified, and this becomes impossible within states that contain undocumented termite species. Luckily, pest control professionals possess the most up-to-date information concerning the termite pest species inhabiting US states.

While many online sources claim that the Formosan subterranean termite, the eastern subterranean termite, and the powderpost termite are the only three species that can be found within Georgia, entomologists have actually documented a total of nine termite pest species in the state. The infestation threat posed by the invasive Formosan subterranean termite is Georgia frequently overstated, as this species remains relatively rare in the state.

The most significant termite pest species to Georgia structures is the native subterranean termite, and the native dark southeastern subterranean termite. While the eastern subterranean termite species is the most widely distributed termite species in the US, the dark southeastern subterranean termite’s habitat is contained entirely within the habitat of its eastern counterpart. These two species are largely indistinguishable without thorough soldier examination or genetic analysis. In fact, research shows that these two species may peacefully share interconnected colony networks. The physical features of a single termite species differs depending on its geographic location, and all native Reticulitermes species often require genetic analysis to be properly identified.

Have you lived in a home that became infested by drywood termites?