Prevent Bed Bugs From Ruining Your Vacation

May 25, 2021 | Posted In: Bed Bugs

Planning a vacation should be exciting and stress-free. But the thought of bed bugs can quickly turn that excitement into anxiety. These tiny pests can hitch a ride on your luggage and follow you home, causing an infestation that’s both difficult and costly to eliminate. Fear not! By following a few simple preventative measures, you can ensure that bed bugs don’t become uninvited guests on your trip.

Prepping for Your Trip

Research Accommodations

Before booking your stay, do a bit of homework:

  • Check Reviews: Look for recent reviews that mention bed bugs. Websites like TripAdvisor and Yelp can provide valuable insights.
  • Inspect Hotel Ratings: Many booking platforms have cleanliness ratings. Aim for accommodations with high scores.
  • Contact the Hotel: Don’t hesitate to call the hotel directly and ask about their bed bug prevention measures and any recent infestations.

Pack Smart

Packing can play a crucial role in preventing bed bugs from coming home with you:

  • Use Hard-Shell Luggage: Bed bugs find it harder to cling to hard-shell luggage compared to fabric suitcases.
  • Seal Your Clothes: Pack your clothes in sealable plastic bags or vacuum-sealed bags to create an additional barrier.
  • Bring a Flashlight: A small flashlight can be handy for inspecting your room upon arrival.

At Your Accommodation

Inspect the Room

Upon arrival, don’t rush to unpack. Take a few moments to inspect your room:

  • Check the Bed: Pull back the bedding and check mattress seams, especially around the headboard, for any signs of bed bugs such as dark spots or shed skins.
  • Inspect Furniture: Examine upholstered furniture, curtains, and any cracks or crevices in the room.
  • Look Behind Headboards: Bed bugs often hide in cracks and crevices near the bed.

Protect Your Belongings

Even if the room appears clean, take these extra precautions:

  • Keep Luggage Off the Floor: Use the luggage rack or place your suitcase on a hard surface away from the bed.
  • Store Clothes in Bags: Keep your clothes in the sealable plastic bags you packed them in, rather than using hotel drawers.

Returning Home

Inspect and Unpack Carefully

When you get back home, take a few extra steps:

  • Inspect Your Luggage: Before bringing your luggage inside, inspect it carefully for any signs of bed bugs.
  • Wash Clothes Immediately: Immediately wash all your clothes, even those you didn’t wear, in hot water and dry them on high heat. Bed bugs cannot survive high temperatures.
  • Vacuum Your Luggage: Use a vacuum cleaner to thoroughly clean your luggage, paying special attention to seams and pockets.

Stay Vigilant

Even after taking all these precautions, staying vigilant is key:

  • Regularly Check Your Home: Regularly inspect your home for signs of bed bugs, especially if you travel frequently.
  • Know the Signs: Learn to identify the signs of bed bugs, such as bite marks, tiny bloodstains on your sheets, and dark spots on your mattress.

By being proactive and taking these preventative measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of bringing bed bugs home from your vacation. Enjoy your trip with peace of mind, knowing you’re well-prepared to keep these pesky invaders at bay.

Ready to travel with confidence? Bookmark this guide, and enjoy a bed bug-free vacation!