Low Maintenance Pet?

January 5, 2016 | Posted In: General | Posted In: Uncategorized

Low Maintenance Pet?

Are you currently looking for a low maintenance pet? Have you ever thought about getting a pet rat? Cats and dogs may be popular pets, however when you are thinking about low-maintenance you may want to look elsewhere.

Contrary to their reputation, rats do not live in filth, in fact they are very clean. Not to mention they are also very intelligent, social and fun!

So what do you need for a pet rat? Aside from food and water, you need to provide a safe place to stay. Because rat love to explore and climb, giving them a place with space and toys is ideal.

In order to allow your pet rat to socialize, consider getting them a roommate. Also consider letting your rat out for 30 minutes a day in order to allow them to socialize. They love to play with you, ride on your shoulder and even fetch toys.

What do you think? Have you ever had a rat? Consider adopting one from your local human society!