Which Bugs Bites You Should Worry About

July 27, 2016 | Posted In: Bug Busters | Posted In: General | Posted In: Georgia Pest & Termite Control | Posted In: North Carolina Pest & Termite Control | Posted In: South Carolina Pest & Termite Control

For the most part bug bites are just an annoying nuisance. They itch like crazy, and you might get a swollen red bump, but you’re not going to die. However, there are some insect bites you do want to avoid, especially with the increase in insect population that came with the warm and humid summer weather.

For the most part mosquitos are generally just a nuisance. However, two things you need to consider are the Zika virus and West Nile virus. These two viruses can be caught from the Asian tiger mosquito and the Aedes aegypti mosquito. With the Zika virus you might get some flu-like symtpoms, but it is most dangerous for pregnant women, as it has been linked to the birth defect microcephaly. West Nile virus doesn’t generally cause severe symptoms, but you could possibly experience fever, neck stiffness, muscle weakness, disorientation, paralysis, and even coma, as well as possibly permanent neurological effects. Unfortunately the two mosquito species are the ones that stray from the path of most mosquitos and like to bite people all day, and the Asian tiger mosquito is more aggressive than other species. So, wear that insect repellent.

Two other nasty critters I’d stay away from are the horse fly and the black fly. These guys will hunt down any blood meal. They’re not picky, and their bite can seriously hurt, leaving behind painful welts. You also want to stay away from deer ticks, which can transmit Lyme disease. Lyme disease is hard to diagnose at first because it mainly causes flu-like symptoms, along with the hallmark rash some of the time. It can be treated and cured for most with antibiotics, but if it’s left untreated, you could develop arthritis, meningitis, as well as other serious illnesses. Again, you really want to wear your insect repellent when going outside.

What other insects do you know of that cause painful and dangerous reactions or diseases?