At What Time Of Year Are Spiders Most Numerous? | Atlanta Spider Control
At What Time Of Year Are Spiders Most Numerous? | Atlanta Spider Control
If someone were to ask you what time of year sees the most spiders, you would probably say that spiders are most numerous during the summer months, but this is not the case. In fact, it could be said that August and September are the two months out of the year when people living in the northern hemisphere are least likely to see spiders, either outside or inside.
With the exception of orb-weavers and giant house spiders, most spider species have not reached their full maturity until slightly later in the year than September. It is likely that people believe that they see more spiders during the late summer months solely because the spiders that are around at that time happen to be the largest and most noticeable of spiders. In most regions of the United States, December and January see the greatest number of freshly hatched spiderlings.
Have you ever witnessed an egg-sac hatch into small spiderlings?