Property Managers Tragically Failed To Address A Brown Recluse Infestation Within An Apartment Unit

August 7, 2018 | Posted In: Spider Control

We have all had dealings with landlords in the past. Hopefully your former, or current landlord is an honest and helpful individual who responds promptly to insect pest complaints. However, it is no secret that the world is full of shady landlords who fail to live up to their ethical and legal duties. For example, shortly after moving into their new apartment unit, a married couple discovered that they were going to be sharing their apartment with numerous brown recluse spiders. The couple promptly notified the apartment management company about the infestation. The company responded by sending a pest control professional to their unit. However, his short visit did not seem to make a difference, as one of the tenants had sustained a brown recluse bite shortly after re-entering her apartment unit. The woman was rushed to the hospital as a result of the bite, but sadly, her long struggle with the apartment’s landlord continued for months after she had returned home.

Property Managers Tragically Failed To Address A Brown Recluse Infestation Within An Apartment Unit

Angela Wright and Victoria Owen had been living within their new apartment unit for only two months before Wright was bitten by one of the many brown recluse spiders that they had found in the unit. The couple, who live in Brentwood, Tennessee, claimed that the spiders were too numerous to count.

According to Wright, the property management company did not seem concerned about the infestation or the bite that had sent her to the emergency room. Eventually, both Wright and Owen brought several of the dead spider specimens to the manager’s desk while demanding to be let out of their lease. As you can certainly guess, the management team did not grant the couple their wish.

Bites inflicted by brown recluse spiders can cause lesions that literally destroy the affected area of skin. Not only that, but brown recluse venom contains neurotoxins that can cause physical symptoms such as fever, bloody urine, jaundice, rash, convulsions and, in rare cases, death.

Do you actively fear bites from the brown recluse spider?