Ants Invaded And Damaged The Internal Machinery Of A Cutting Edge Telescope, Which Caused A Power Outage
It is common knowledge that certain types of foods attract insects. Anybody who has ever eaten outside during the summer months can tell you that flies and ants will not hesitate to sneak a few bites of your food. Even when people are indoors, ants, flies and other types of insects will gravitate toward sweet-tasting treats. It is not uncommon to find forgotten or unattended candy completely covered in ants within a seemingly ant-free home. Humans can certainly understand why ants like sugar, which is why we tend to keep our sweet snacks in places that cannot be accessed by insects. However, it is not so easy to understand why ants are attracted to electronic devices, and it is definitely not easy to keep intrusive ants from crawling inside of our electronic devices, as these devices are everywhere. For reasons that experts do not fully understand, ants are often discovered dead and clustered together within small electronic devices like video game consoles, as well as large electronic machines like power generators or vehicles. When certain ant species gain access to such devices, they promptly damage internal wiring which sometimes leads to the complete destruction of an affected device. Last week, officials discovered massive amounts of dead ants within a cutting edge and expensive electronic telescope. After the telescope’s electric power abruptly shut off, officials discovered that ants had damaged the wiring.
In Australia, the Beta Pictoris b Ring instrument (bRing-AU) is a powerful telescope that is being used to search for planetary rings or an exomoon around the distant star known as Beta Pictoris. The ants crawled into tiny vent openings on the telescope before eventually dying. As it turns out, the ant corpses blew out the telescope’s power supply. Unfortunately, these ant corpses released pheromones that attracted even more ants into the internal compartments of the telescope. According to experts, the ants may have been lured by a stimulus produced by the telescope’s power supply, or they could have simply been searching for shelter. As a result of this incident, engineers are beginning to add designs to new telescopes that will prevent ants from gaining access to the power supply.
Do you think that the invasive and electrically oriented crazy ants that were recently discovered in America will inspire American engineers to add anti-ant designs to machines?