Are Pest Control Professionals Required To Inspect Certain Areas Of A Home For Termite Damage?

May 23, 2019 | Posted In: Georgia Pest & Termite Control

At the moment, termites are the most problematic insect pests in Georgia. This comes as no surprise, as this time of year sees the greatest size and frequency of termite swarms in the state. If you see what appear to be small flying ants near or within your home, and little dead bugs collecting in your window sills, then there is a good chance that your home is infested with termites, or at the very least, a termite colony is located near your home. Georgia is home to a particularly large amount of termite pest species, including eastern subterranean termites, powderpost termites, and the highly destructive Formosan subterranean termite. The economic impact of termite activity in the United States exceeds 5 billion dollars annually, and more than 10 percent of US homeowners struggle with the insects each year. This is why having your home regularly inspected for termites is of the utmost importance for residents of Georgia.

Other insect pests that infest and damage structural wood in Georgia include carpenter ants, carpenter bees, and certain wood-boring beetle species. However, these insects don’t typically inflict significant or costly damage to structural wood, and all three of these insect groups combined do not come close to matching the annual structural damage inflicted by subterranean termites in the state. This is why pest control professionals focus on termites when inspecting homes. During inspections, Georgia pest control professionals follow guidelines that are outlined in the Georgia Wood Infestation Inspection Report (WIIR). These reports are usually necessary in order to complete real estate transactions in the state, as nobody wants to discover insect-induced structural damage, or an infestation of wood-boring insects within their new home. Licensed pest control professionals in Georgia carry out a thorough internal and external inspection of homes before submitting a WIIR. These inspections entail the identification of termite damage within all accessible locations within a home, as well as all areas of a home where conditions are conducive to the establishment of future termite infestations.

Do you have your home inspected for termites regularly?