Strange Physical Reactions To Insect And Spider Bites
When it comes to sustaining venomous stings from insects, most people know what symptoms to expect. For most people who do not have an allergy to insect venom, the worst consequence of an insect sting is the pain that inevitably results. For people that do have an allergy to insect venom, a venomous insect bite can be both physically and psychologically traumatic. It is well known that insect stings can be dangerous, or in some cases, fatal. It is common knowledge that anaphylactic shock occurs in allergic victims of venomous insect stings. Luckily, death rarely occurs in cases where anaphylactic shock is induced by insect venom, as treatment is almost always sought out immediately following an insect sting. Although the symptoms that result from venomous insect stings may seem clear cut, in some cases, unexpected and strange adverse physical effects have been documented as occurring in individuals as a result of insect stings. In some cases, strange and uncommon physical symptoms of insect stings can lead to death.
While it may be common knowledge that some insects can inflict stings that induce allergic reactions in certain people, it is not as well known that, in rare cases, an insect sting can result in full-on heart attacks, many of which have proven fatal. Insect stings are known for causing changes in pulse rate and blood pressure, and sometimes stings can result in abnormal heart beats. One man who sustained a single wasp sting suffered an allergic reaction despite never having an allergic reaction to insect stings in the past. Doctors believe that this man’s heart attack occurred in response to immune cells causing plaque in his arteries to burst, thereby reducing blood flow to the heart.
It is well understood by most people that insect stings can induce dangerous allergic reactions in certain individuals, but one arachnid species can inflict bites that make victims allergic to red meat. The bite of the lone star tick can make victims allergic to a molecule called “alpha gal,” which is found in beef, pork, lamb and other red meats. Although this allergy is well documented as being caused by lone star tick bites, experts consider this consequence of tick bites quite rare.
Have you ever known someone who sustained a bug bite that caused unusual physical symptoms?