Everyone is familiar with the fierce and potentially dangerous group of wasps known as yellow jackets and hornets, especially the latter considering that the country is currently in the grip of murder hornet fever. Yellow jackets live in close association…
Many people consider wasps, yellow jackets and hornets to be seperate insect groups, but in actuality, both yellow jackets and hornets two types of wasps. Several wasp species in Georgia are considered potentially dangerous to humans, some of which are…
A Swarm Of Deadly Hornets Killed 42 People In One City In case you have not heard, a highly aggressive wasp species from Asia is attacking people all over the world. The Asian giant hornet was spotted in Europe a…
Samurai Wasps May Put An End To Invasive Stink Bug damages In Orchards Some of you may have experienced a stink bug infestation within your home. Stink bug infestations can be hard to tolerate due to the foul odors that…
In America, football fans can get pretty rowdy, especially on Superbowl Sunday. However, soccer fans in Europe and South America make American football fans look tame by comparison. The game of soccer, or football, as it is referred to in…