Archive: Aug 2018

bug busters
August 9, 2018
What Makes Tree-Dwelling Termites Unique?

Many people have heard that termites are divided into three basic groups. These groups are subterranean termites, which are soil-dwellers, drywood and dampwood termites. The termites that are almost always responsible for infestations in people’s homes are subterranean termites. This…

Tags: Georgia Pest & Termite Control North Carolina Pest & Termite Control South Carolina Pest & Termite Control Tennessee Pest & Termite Control
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bug busters
August 6, 2018
The Development Of Insects As Biological Weapons In America Remains Shrouded In Mystery To This Day

Many other insect-related blogs have described how insects have been used as weapons of war throughout human history. The use of insects as weapons of warfare has been in practice for thousands of years, so it must be pretty effective.…

Tags: Bug Busters Georgia Pest & Termite Control North Carolina Pest & Termite Control Pest Control South Carolina Pest & Termite Control
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QP – long1
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