Dealing with ants in your home can be as frustrating a problem as the pests themselves. It isn’t uncommon for homeowners to treat the problem themselves first using a store-bought solution. However, there are several reasons why enlisting professional help…
Ants might seem like harmless little creatures to some, but they can quickly become a nuisance when they invade your home. No matter how tidy or clean you keep your house, it can be difficult to completely prevent ants from…
Sugar ants—while the name sounds sweet, a sugar ant infestation is a big nuisance. These pesky pests don’t appear solo but appear with their crew. So, if you encounter a single sugar ant? Don’t let that small creature fool you. There…
Solenopsis invicta, or the “red-imported fire ant,” as the species is more commonly known, is the most economically significant invasive ant pest in the United States. These ants are native to South America, but they have been accidentally transported into…
Ants are one of the most common and annoying insect pests, invading our yards, sidewalks, parks, and homes. There are ants invading our lives every day of our lives. They seem to show up in our homes as long as…
Some unfortunate people know from experience how unpleasant it is to sustain a fire ant sting. The pain is reportedly excruciating and their sting has even resulted in death to individuals who suffered a severe allergic reaction upon envenomation. Fire…