Archive: May 2016

bug busters
May 13, 2016
The Cutest Moth Ever

The Cutest Moth Ever The Venezuelan Poodle Moth was discovered in 2009 and has been extensively photographed since then, but surprisingly not many people seemed to acknowledge the strangeness of this bug’s features until recently.  Even if you have a…

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bug busters
May 11, 2016
Ant School Teachers

Ant School Teachers Human adults teach their young how to fend for themselves in this world through demonstration and hands on activities. Apparently, adult ants teach their young pupils in much the same way, taking them out on foraging quests…

Tags: Ants
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bug busters
May 10, 2016
The Weta Bug--Harmless but Huge

The Weta Bug--Harmless but Huge The Giant Weta is an aptly named insect from the Cricket Family that lives only in New Zealand, which is good because they are terrifyingly huge.  In fact The Giant Weta can grow as big…

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bug busters
May 6, 2016
Communication by “Head-butt”

Communication by “Head-butt” Like all animals bees must communicate with their own kind, but do they have to be so violent about it?  Researchers have observed that, along with other methods of communication, bees will gladly head-butt other bees if…

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bug busters
May 5, 2016
A Promising Hope for Green Insecticides

A Promising Hope for Green Insecticides You may not know that Stink-Bugs and their evolutionary cousins the Harlequin bugs (also stinky) are responsible for significant damage to large commercial crops.  The good news is scientists may have figured a way…

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bug busters
May 4, 2016
An Insect That Can Run Itself Blind

An Insect That Can Run Itself Blind It is very good for us that we do not serve as prey for the Tiger Beetle.  The Tiger Beatle is a very impressive insect most of all because it is the fastest…

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bug busters
May 3, 2016
More Money Sucked Up By Bedbugs

More Money Sucked Up By Bedbugs I explained just a few ways that bedbugs can hurt your bank account in my last post, but I didn’t even get through half of them. A bedbug infestation can be one of the…

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bug busters
May 2, 2016
The Zika Virus Enters the Presidential Campaign

The Zika Virus Enters the Presidential Campaign The worry over the possible spread of the Zika virus to the United States this summer has now crossed over into the sphere of the presidential campaigns. Hillary Clinton responded to a question…

Tags: Mosquito
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